Welcome to Atlantico

Inês Tabajara & Carlos Cabral (Tango Invicto) warmly invite you to:

Atlantico – I Festivalito Milonguero

15 – 17 May 2015
Porto – Portugal

Dive in Atlantico, the first Festivalito Milonguero taking place in Portugal!

An international and exclusive event in the centre of the lovely city of Porto!!

This event is for close embrace lovers and we strongly encourage Mirada & Cabeceo.

3 days embraces and Tango!
5 unforgetable Milongas!
5 amazing DJs!
Special Workshops and Exhibition with the invited Maestro Ricardo Viqueira (Argentina)!

And more to be announced!

Visit Porto and enjoy everything that we are carefully preparing for you and also, of course, the best wine, the tasty food, the beautiful city!!

Invitations will be sent to a limited number of Tango-friends. Please do not forward your invitation or advertise the event.

More information and registration forms will soon be available!

Welcome to Atlantico!

Inês & Carlos